Comparisons between Limited Company, Foreign Branch Office and Representative Office

  Limited company (private and public companies) Foreign Branch Office Representative Office
Entity’s Name Need not be the same as parent company Must be the same as the parent company Must be the same as the parent company
Legal Status A separate legal entity Not a separate legal entity. It is considered as an extension of the parent company Does not have any legal status as it is only a temporary establishment
Business Activities Can carry on any business activities The business activities must be the same as the parent company Not allowed to carry on any business activities with the purpose of generating profits.
Can only conduct market research and feasibility studies.
Ownership Owned by members of the company No members Not applicable
Limited Liability Yes No No
Filing of Financial Statements (FS) FS of the company is required to be filed together with the Annual Return where applicable Accounts of both the parent company and branch office is required to be filed Not applicable
Officers Need to appoint at least 1 local director Need to appoint at least one local authorised representative Need to appoint a chief representative who must be from the parent company or a Singapore employee of the parent company.
Tax Status Generally treated as tax resident entity in Singapore Not considered as tax resident entity in Singapore Not applicable
Perpetual Succession This is a perpetual succession until wound up or struck off This is a perpetual succession until deregistered or the parent company is liquidated or struck off The registration is renewable on annual basis of not more than 3 years
Governing Authority Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Enterprise Singapore


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